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Cia de Feitos was created in 2009, in São Paulo, out of the desire for a theater for children combining contemporary theatricality, taboo themes and respect for the intelligence of children, fathers and mothers! In these last ten years we created “Duck, Death and the tulip” (2010), “Selma” (2013), “Lost & Found” (2015) and “ENEMIES” (2017).

All four plays were performed in countless cities, in several festivals with different audiences. Always to an enthusiastic reception, both by children and adults, as well as by specialized critics.

In 2019, we started rehearsals for our new creation: “The big question”!

Artur Sartori Kon is an actor, playwright and researcher. Bachelor of Performing Arts - Theatrical Interpretation by Unicamp. Master in Philosophy from FFLCH-USP (Prof. Dr. Ricardo Fabbrini, CNPq scholarship) with the dissertation Da theatrocracy: Aesthetics and politics of contemporary São Paulo theater, published in book in 2017 by Editora Annablume. PhD student at the same institution (Prof. Dr. Celso Favaretto, Fapesp scholarship), researching and translating the dramaturgy of Elfriede Jelinek (Nobel Prize for Literature 2004), with an internship at the University of Frankfurt (Prof. Dr. Christoph Menke, scholarship BEPE Fapesp). He founded Cia de Teatro Acidental, with which he creates plays that use post-dramatic ways to investigate the political impasses of Brazil today, such as “What you are really doing is waiting for the accident to happen” (2014) and “E o we did was stay there or something ”(2019).

Carla Massa Actress and educating art. Post graduated from PUC, where he studied the Technique Klauss Vianna, holds a BA in Performing Arts from UNICAMP, a degree in Arts from the Centro Universitário Belas Artes and a technician in Graphic Design from ETEC Carlos de Campos. He is a member of Cia De Feitos. With this, he put together 3 children's pieces: Selma (2012), Finds & Lost (2015) and Enemies (2017). He also integrates the artistic nucleus of Cia das Atrizes, with which he carried out the project "Dramas de princesas", contemplated with the Fomento ao Teatro, participating in the perfomartivas actions "Epifanias Urbanas" in the city center of São Paulo and the play "Dramas de princesses ". In other groups he worked on the following shows: “I saw Makunaima on the street!” (Art troupe), “A Pérola” (Núcleo Hana), “Paper Men”, “The Process”, “Lunatic”, “A La Cordel” (all with Grupo Galeria 4). She was assistant set designer for CPT from 2009 to 2011, having worked on the following pieces: “The late Vapt-Vupt”, “Lamartine Babo” and “Policarpo Quaresma". She was a teacher at the municipal school and currently works at the private school.

Carlos Canhameiro is a director, playwright and actor. He has worked for over 15 years in São Paulo where he created dozens of plays with different artists and theater collectives. He is a founding member of Cia. LCT and Cia De Feitos, as well as a partner artist for Cia. Teatro de Riscos and Cia. 4 para Nada. He holds a doctorate in arts from Unicamp (a university where he also completed a master's degree and a degree in scenic arts). He is the father of Lucas and Nina and believes that the way we deal with children says a lot (or all) of the present where we are inserted.

Daniel Gonzalez begins his career in lighting by operating the show Galvez, Emperor of Acre by Marcio Aurelio in 2005. Then he worked with the same director in the following years in Chalaça and the Last Chimera. In 2008 he took on the creation of light at Cia. Les Commediens Tropicales, where he remains today, creating the light design for seven shows. As a professor at Faculdade Paulista de Artes he also creates light designs for artistic-pedagogical shows. It illuminates all the plays of Cia. De Made in theater for children. And since the formation, accompanies the band Philharmonic of Pasárgada, creating and operating the lighting of all the shows of releases of the band's albums in the Ibirapuera auditorium. He has already set up and operated in most SESC units in the state of São Paulo and made SESI Theater Tours in 2008. And in 2019, he set up and operated the lighting for the [H3O] mens show at Teatro Ibérico in Lisbon. He has experience in EOS Family systems and advanced knowledge in CAD drawings.

Giscard Luccas Bachelor in journalism from Faculdade Casper Libero. Managing director and curator of the film distributor FJ Cines, specializing in classic films for over 50 years. Curator and creator of the shows held at CCBB, CineSesc and other special rooms. Actor graduated from the Incenna school of theater and founder of the theater company Cia de Feitos, specialized in children's theater, which completed ten years of activities in 2019, with four shows in the curriculum: O Pato a morte ea tulipa, Selma, Achados e Perdidos and ENEMIES, pieces that explore the philosophical universe and of supposedly complex and taboo themes for children, but that are only part of life.

Paula Novaes Serra is an artist, educator and mother of two. He holds a BA in Performing Arts from Unicamp and a degree in Visual Arts from Faculdade Mozarteum in São Paulo. He also studied Klauss Vianna Technique at PUC / SP and theater at Teatro Escola Célia Helena. Since 2012 he has been part of Cia de Feitos, being part of the cast of the shows "Selma", "Achados & Perdidos" and "INIMIGOS". As an actress she also worked in several plays such as "The Singing of the Women of the Asphalt" directed by Georgette Fadel, "Pearl" of the Hanna core, "The Process", "Paper Men", "Lunatic" and "À la Cordel" of the group Gallery 4.

Paula Mirhan Singer, actress and composer, graduated in Popular Singing at the Tom Jobim Center for Musical Studies and in Performing Arts at UNICAMP. In his discography, he has the CDs: Amanhecer (2009), with songs by Wagner Barbosa; Café da Tarde (2011), with singer, guitarist and composer Demetrius Lulo; with the band Filarmônica de Pasárgada launched O Hábito da Força (2012), Rádio Lixão (2014), EP Tribunal do Feicibuqui (2015) and Algorritmos (2016); Orquestra Mundana Refugi (2017) and Caravana Refugi (2019), with Orquestra Mundana Refugi. She also has a job as a composer alongside the composer and double bassist Rui Barossi for Cia deFeitos, on the soundtrack of children's shows. He is currently releasing his first solo album entitled Petróleo.

Rui Barossi is a multi-instrumentalist, arranger, composer, music producer and actor. He is currently part of several musical groups and has performed all over Brazil and in various parts of the world. In addition to composing tracks for theater and cinema, he was also part, acting as a musician and / or performer, of several shows, among which: See [] Ter, Council of Destruction, War without Battle, Mauser of garage and Baal material (from Cia Les Commediens Tropicales); Ulisses À Deriva (from Cia. Estrela D'Alva); antiDEUS.

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